Ever wondered why you feel different on different days of the week? It’s all about the unique planetary energy each day carries,.. By understanding and harnessing these energies, you can be more intentional and aligned in your daily life and use their energy to your advantage.

Let’s explore the spiritual energies of each day, here are some ideas on what you can do to take advantage of the planetary energy each day brings.

  • Monday – Moon Day: Embrace nurturing, intuition, and emotions. Connect with your feminine side and meditate to stay grounded. Start the day with a slow, nurturing morning and set intentions for the week ahead. You can also do moon magick during this day.
  • Tuesday – Mars Day: Feel the motivation and energy surge as you take action and conquer your to-do list. Plan important tasks and projects for this day to make the most of your productivity. You can also do baneful magickal work during this day since mars is the planet of war and aggression.
  • Wednesday – Mercury Day: Let ideas flow and communicate freely. A day for creativity and self-expression. Write a blog post, record a podcast, or have meaningful conversations with others. You may do affirmation and incantation spell work during this day since mercury rules communication.
  • Thursday – Jupiter Day: Embrace abundance and personal growth. Learn new skills and expand your horizons. Dedicate time to financial planning and invest in self-development. You can also do money or abundance spell work during this day since Jupiter is an expansive and abundant energy.
  • Friday – Venus Day: Indulge in self-care and enjoy social connections. Let your charisma shine! Spend time with loved ones, engage in self-care rituals, and spread love and positivity. You may do love or glamour spells during this day since Venus is the planet of love and aesthetic.
  • Saturday – Saturn Day: Organize and take care of responsibilities. Set boundaries for a relaxing Sunday. Tackle household chores, run errands, and complete pending tasks. You may do baneful work this day since Saturn is the planet of Karma.
  • Sunday – Sun Day: Bask in self-discovery and rest. Embrace activities you love and connect with yourself. Spend time in nature, practice yoga, or engage in creative pursuits. You should do cleaning and protection work since the Sun brings forth a happy and engaging energy that is also very powerful.

***Check out ready made spell candles you can use on their corresponding day here

at Queen of Swords Divination.***

Here are some ways you can incorporate these energies into your business and life:

  • Monday: Start the week with intention and intuition for a powerful week ahead. Reflect on your emotions and set the tone for the week during your morning meditation.
  • Tuesday: Be in creation mode, tackling important tasks and projects. Use this energy to launch a new product, write a business plan, or work on a creative project.
  • Wednesday: Focus on communication and creative endeavors like writing and podcasting. Schedule meetings, record podcasts, or brainstorm new ideas.
  • Thursday: Handle finances and expand your knowledge and skills. Review your finances, invest in a course or workshop, and dedicate time for learning.
  • Friday: Reflect and indulge in self-care, spending quality time with loved ones. End the workweek on a positive note by reviewing your accomplishments and planning a fun activity for the evening.
  • Saturday: Take care of responsibilities and set boundaries for a peaceful Sunday. Finish pending household tasks and make time for relaxation and self-care.
  • Sunday: Embrace rest and self-discovery, immersing yourself in activities you love. Practice mindfulness, connect with nature, or read a book that inspires you.

Embrace the power of spirituality and the energies of each day for a more harmonious and intentional life. May the planets bless you!

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