
Welcome to the world of Kitchen Magick, where everyday ingredients and a touch of intention can create powerful spells to manifest your desires. Whether you’re seeking prosperity, love, or protection, Kitchen Magick offers a practical and accessible way to harness your inner power. In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of Kitchen Magick and provide you with three simple spells to get started. Be sure to do some divination before preforming any magick to assure you of positive results. An accurate psychic and master tarot reader can be booked at . You may also find already made powerful spell candles on her website.

What is Kitchen Magick?

Kitchen Magick is a form of witchcraft that utilizes everyday items and ingredients found in your kitchen to create spells and rituals. It’s a practical way to infuse your daily life with magic and intention. By focusing your energy and intention on the ingredients you use, you can manifest your desires and bring positive change into your life.

Kitchen Magick, also known as “kitchen witchcraft,” is a mystical practice rooted in the age-old tradition of using everyday ingredients, herbs, and culinary tools as magical tools to manifest intentions and desires. Its history is deeply intertwined with folk magic and domestic rituals across various cultures and regions. Historically, it has been passed down through generations, often in secrecy, from wise women and cunning folk who possessed a profound understanding of the magical properties of common kitchen items. Kitchen Magick can be used for a multitude of purposes, including healing, protection, divination, love spells, and prosperity rituals. This practical and accessible form of magic emphasizes the importance of intention and personal energy in crafting spells, making it a popular choice for those looking to infuse their daily lives with spirituality and positive change.

Below you will find 3 simple spells you can try on your own. Be sure to use divination if you are a beginner.

Spell #1: Money Attraction Spell


  • A green candle
  • A small dish of salt
  • A bay leaf
  • A coin


  1. Light the green candle.
  2. Sprinkle a circle of salt around the candle.
  3. Place the coin in front of the candle.
  4. Write your financial goal on the bay leaf and place it under the candle.
  5. Focus your intention on attracting money and repeat a simple affirmation like, “Prosperity flows to me.”
  6. Let the candle burn for a few minutes each day, repeating your intention.

Spell #2: Love Attraction Spell


  • A pink candle
  • A piece of rose quartz
  • A small jar of honey


  1. Light the pink candle.
  2. Place the rose quartz in front of the candle.
  3. Take a spoonful of honey and hold it in your hands.
  4. Close your eyes and visualize the love you desire.
  5. Slowly consume the honey while focusing on your intention.
  6. Allow the candle to burn for a few minutes each day, repeating your desire for love.

Spell #3: Cleansing and Protection Spell


  • A white candle
  • A bowl of water
  • A pinch of salt


  1. Light the white candle.
  2. Place the bowl of water in front of the candle.
  3. Add a pinch of salt to the water.
  4. Dip your fingers into the water and sprinkle it around your space while saying, “I cleanse and protect this place.”
  5. Allow the candle to burn for a few minutes as you purify your surroundings.

Enhancing Your Magical Journey:

Before diving into Kitchen Magick, it’s essential to gain insight into your personal energies and intentions. Consider getting a tarot reading from Tarot readings can provide valuable guidance and insights to help you align your spells with your true desires. also offers powerful spell candles that can amplify your Kitchen Magick rituals. These candles are specially crafted to enhance your intentions and make your spells even more potent. Visit their website to explore their range of spell candles and other magical tools.

Kitchen Magick can be appropriate to use in various situations when you seek to manifest your intentions and desires. It’s particularly effective for everyday matters and can be employed when you’re faced with challenges or opportunities in life. For example, you can turn to Kitchen Magick when you need to attract love into your life, enhance your financial prosperity, cleanse negative energy from your home, or protect yourself and your loved ones. Kitchen Magick operates on the principle that every ingredient and tool in your kitchen carries its unique energy and correspondences. By focusing your intention and energy on these elements and incorporating them into simple rituals or spells, you can effectively channel your desires into the universe. This practice aligns your consciousness with the natural energies at play, making it an accessible and empowering way to work with magic in your daily life.

In conclusion, Kitchen Magick is a fascinating and accessible way to bring positive change into your life using everyday ingredients and intention. With simple spells for money, love, and protection, you can start your magical journey today. Remember to enhance your practice with tarot readings and spell candles from Embrace the magic within you and watch your desires manifest before your eyes.

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